Quality policy and environmental protection of SATO is focused towards our costumer and his satisfaction with SATO products, and is oriented towards growth and development of production activities on base of permanent development, having in mind environmental protection and preserving natural resources, with great accent on care of our employees.
Our main goal is:
To ensoure costumers satifsaction with our products with quality and ecological acceptability.
Our main goal is:
- to employ qualified and abbitious employees who will have oportunity to constantly grow and progress
- to ensure high level of awareness and culture of behaiour in terms of environmental protection
to nurture and develop good relationships with our costumers and suppliers
to recognise opportunities where we can act preventive in order of minimising potentially hazardous environmental impact
- to set up ambitious, mesureable and feasable goals which are based on prevention of potential problems
- to apply and constantly upgrade efficiency of management system based on ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
- to comply with environmental law requirements and to set up set of rules stricter than those required by law
EcoVadis certificate
EcoVadis is international platform for companies which are activley working on social responsibility and sustainability.
EcoVadis metodology is based on international sustainability standards (Global Reporting Initiative, United Nations Global Compact, ISO 26000) and it supervised by CSR (Corporate social responsibility) scientific committee and experts for supply chains in order of achieving maximum reliability for CSR assesments.
EcoVadis is monitoring work of it’s members. SATO won “Bronze Recognition Level” prize. EcoVadis assesed company in the field os corporate social responsibility and based on the results, SATO has achieved level which places us in Top 50% of companies assessed by EcoVadis.
This certificate confirms our corporate social responsibility. We care about our internal and external surroundings, we are encouraging positive colaboration and we are oriented towards improvment witht he goal that each segment of our business is sustainable, transparent and oriented to professionalism, so that each party of our business chain is satisfied with our services.
SATO has responsibiliy for further improvment in the field of corporate social responsibility and sustainable develpoment, for which EcoVadis gives reccomendations and monitoring of implementation of given measures.
Bisnode certificate
Certificate of credit worthiness is one of the most important European standards which defines quality of business. Apart from that, Bisnode credit worthiness certificate is internationally accepted and recognised mark of excellence in companies’ financial field. AAA Credit worthiness certificate represents above average credit worthiness of the company.This certificate is based on financial reports of previous financial year and gives accurate forecast for following 12 months.